
Saturday, June 19, 2010

VBS #2

Today was the pool party for the boys' second VBS of the summer. This is our first time doing more than one VBS-but I am so glad I did. :) Not only did they have a fantastic time, but I got to visit with friends all week in the evenings and it was much needed!! (Picture: E and N with M on stage.)

The boys (especially N) made friends with their classes helper, Skye. Every time I went to pick N up, he would be holding her hand. :) He (and E, too) had to make her a card on their last day. N even asked when she could come over to our house. :)
This morning, they had a pool party for the VBS kids and families. M stayed with PawPaw because I didn't want to have to sit out for two hours in the sun with my lovely, water blistered/peeling sunburn.  The loved it, of course, and I enjoyed a few panic free moments reading. The boys really enjoy swimming and were very excited to see Skye there as well. :) :)
VBS #3 here we come!

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