
Friday, September 17, 2010

MOPS International Convention-in pictures. :)

August 5-8 2010

Taking pictures while waiting on general session to start and Christie and I re=enacting the famous "Chris-TIE" moment from she and Michelle's childhood. BAHAHA. :)

Our hotel was amazingly beautiful!

Dinner's out and fun times with amazing women......

Love her and miss her alot!!! :)

Rainforest Cafe...awesome place! (My food was incredible as well!!!)

One of my sweetest, dearest friends!!!

This picture brings incredible joy to my soul.  I laugh so hard! This is exactly how our room (we all roomed together) dynamic was! Love them!!!!!!

Michelle: "Kristina, give the frog a high five."  Me: "Okay, and i'll give his foot a tickle as well." Ha!

Downtown Disney with some Pirates and a Lego Toy Story.

The plant was attacking me...seriously. :)   My secret sister Michelle and I. Love her!

We met Mandisa......

YYep, we totally met Mandisa (and her band).  Ashley got her journal signed and we got pictures with her. :) So cool!!!  One of her band members asked what MOPS Janalyn (see pics above) took the opportunity to tell them all about this wonderful ministry!!!! Fun times!


This trip was incredibly life changing for me. God totally used the amazing encouragement and support of the women I was with in leading me to feel comfortable enough (and OBEDIENT) to LET GO. Praise Him, for He is good!!! 
I cannot wait for next years convention! I am already planning!!! :)