
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 6th-wow!

So. I just now realize that my last post was September 29th-a week ago. Hmm, i've just been really busy. I had every intention of blogging at some point, but I guess my POINT is now. :) 

I am actually looking forward to tomorrow so much. I DO NOT have to leave my house unless I really want to.  Then, of course, I am thinking of something that I will probably have to leave for...but  not a biggie. Tonight was our AWANA night. The kids, yes all three of them, go to AWANA for a glorious hour and a half.  They all seem to really enjoy it and we use their story and memory verse as our "bible" for school. :) I just hit on each key thing and help them with memorization. What I didn't realize is the perks that this guaranteed hour and a half would have. (Man, how glad I am they talked me into enrolling M!) 
  So far, I have: been to dirt cheap and chinese with a bf, met for milkshakes and girltalk with another bf, spent time on the treadmill exercise, praying and praising, met with my MM for girltalk and spent time with my husband when is off on that particular Wednesday. So, not only do I know my kids having a great time...I am too! Who'da Thunk? :)  I had a great time with my MM tonight and can't wait to schedule more of those moments! What a blessing she is and how thankful I am for her!!

We have been busy with alot of this:

And this:

And this:

And this:

This, of course, does not include homeschooling, church, meetings, and basic home duties! I stay tired-alot. :) 
So, for the WEEK worth of spin-down's...I shall just do one big one on this day. I am really not in the mood to try and recall every though of the last week.

Outside my window: Is a glowing pumpkin that my kids just adore. I love how glittery and sparkly it looks. I love the fall and all of its harvest-ness.
I am thinking: of how busy my next week seems to be. And, how much I have no desire in the world (okay, maybe just a slight bit), to go to my high school reunion this weekend.  Will I regret not going and "What's the worst that could happen?"  I still, at this point, have no desire to go. Oh well, one day and a few prayers later could change my mind.
I am wearing: PJ's
I am remembering: How badly my knee hurts when the weather starts to get cool. OUCH!
I am going: To bed and read!
I am currently reading: The Yada Yada Prayer Group #3
I am hoping: for world peace. Seriously.
On my mind: How lovely the silence is after a long day.
Pondering these words:  "I don't want to gain the whole word and lose my soul..."
Praying about: Lifting up two MOPS moms that (1) is in labor now and (1) who will be induced tomorrow.
In the kitchen: Cleanliness..aaaaahhhh. :) Gotta love a clean kitchen. We had BBQ "muffins" tonight. It was an E-mealz meal. But, since (like usual) I burned my muffin pan up, I had to just lay the biscuit dough out and top it with all of the ingredients. It was good, but not very healthy. Oh well.
Around the house: It's semi-clean...and I don't care. :)
One of my favorite things: Is reading the kids' bedtime bible to them and praying with them.
From my camera: