
Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am a W-I-P

Lately, I have been struggling with the "Who am I?" syndrome. The obvious answer would be wife, mother, daughter, friend and so on.  But really "WHO AM I?" More often than not, I have to answer myself with, "You are a work-in-progress. You are being molded by God for His purpose."  And it hit me. Am I really being open to that "WIP"? Am I really just laying down WHO I AM now to the pallete of Who GOD wants me to be??? 
As I sit here, knowing that in just a few minutes I am going to get my morning started with breakfast, showering, and getting the kids ready for church. I am in such need for God's Word this morning and for worship time. I am such need for just personal, undistracted reflection and time with God.(Our worship time at church is one of my favorite things about this church, by the way. :) )
 Though I fail every second of every day...I really fail in my prayer life. To be honest, it is a roller coaster that I DO NOT like being on. It seems as though one week my conversations with God are often. The next week is just sporadic.  On those sporadic weeks, I feel so lost, so disconnected.
Being the scheduler I am, I feel like I need to even schedule quiet time with God. Not prayer (because that happens anytime, anywhere) but devotion, reflection and extra free-from-distractions prayer.  I find that I feel SO much better after I have this.
So anyway, I just had that on my mind. I am a W-I-P and God is creating in me the person that He wants me to be. All I have to be is open to let Him. That, sometimes, is the hardest thing to be.


  1. Oh Honey, we are all WIP's. No one ever "arrives" at a destination until we get to heaven. I share your struggle with devotion. It isn't something I ever got into a habit of doing regularly and now....well, I struggle. You're not alone. That is a lie. Period.

  2. We are all WIP's...If we weren't we'd already belong to the devil. Your a good person, Mom, wife, and friend...Don't change.
