
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Surprise Visit!!

While cleaning up the kitchen after supper tonight, I got a text from a very wonderful blast from my past.  My Ba: my "Eww, whats that on my wall", my Solo and Ensemble partner, my Skyline CEO, my reasons for "ready-go", A.K.A, Schuyler. :)
Schuyler and I have been BFF since fourth grade. We played trumpet together for eight years and graduated highschool together. We've enjoyed trips to Disney World and to the Liberty Bowl in Memphis, TN. I got into more trouble for being on the phone late at night during my teen years with him than anyone else.  I've jumped the hill on Carney Street and been in a car accident with him.  We've pretended we were are year older just for a free icecream. We've sang Faith Hill to the top of our lungs with the windows rolled down and our hands out of the sunroof.  Ah, now those were the days!
Sadly, sometimes, life moves you in different directions and apart from your bff's.  One thing is for sure: We can always catch right back up like the years have never passed by. And, THAT, is what a true BFF is.
So, my text said, "Look outside...surprise."  I then replied, "Um, are you here, because I don't see you."  I then recieved, "Uh oh." :)  That goes to show you just how many years it has been since he has been to my house!!
Surprise! With my kitchen a mess, Chris in the shower, my boys in their underwear, my daughter covered in watermelon popcicle; my bff for 18 years was at my door!  Luckily, true friends don't care if your wearing white shorts and blue underwear, or if your hair looks like you just threw it up on top of your head without combing it first......:)
Even though I haven't gotten a chance to see him in a while (Arizona is a LONG way away!) it was just like we never skipped a beat! Once my children warmed up, it was an all-out "Betcha can't guess what this is?" with play-doh.

(See:PJ's, underwear and a soggy diaper!! lol)

The kids really enjoyed him. They had to show him their Kung-Fu moves and how they could spin. M even made him spin her around a few times! Ha! My children sure broke him into the family fast!

In honor of my BA (I honestly don't remember why we call each other that.) I decided I would go back 10-11 years and post a few pictures from our glory days. Wow, how the time flies.

This was pretty much my life-band. We were pretty hardcore band nerds. This was 1999 (judging by no uniforms AND the date on the picture). I am pretty sure I still could not sit down to play with him without laughing until my stomach hurt. Though we never made a "Superior" at Solo and Ensemble together, we knew we were Superior at heart! HAHA.

Wow. Our Senior year.  Schuyler was Drum Major and I was Section Leader. Ba was a FANTASTIC Drum Major.  I had a duet that year with my friend, Katie.WE were pretty awesome! Even then, on the field when I am supposed to look at my Drum Major for direction-I never really could look at him in the face because I knew that if I did, I may never regain my composure.
Espania! ....."I dont know where to go, I dont know where to go..........."

Now those years, were the time of my life!!!! :)

In comes our senior year. Its August of 1999 and guess what? Yep, U-N-I-F-O-R-M-S!! This picture is hilarious to me. I am surprised you can't see his cup of tea. :)

Another good time, EsCoHi (newspaper).  This was Ba's "planning period" which regularly included sleep or a trip to sell ads get breakfast.

Aw, prom. Even though we didn't go together and ventured out with different groups still have to get pictures with your BA, right!? :) Oh geez, why didn't anyone tell me I was so white? AND WHY IN THE WORLD DID I HAVE BANGS...Not cool bangs..but BANGS that I used a CURLING IRON to fix. Oh. My. Stars.

We seriously had the best time together. Seperating us and changing the alphabetical order of the classroom couldn't stop us from talking (RIP Mr. Long). We had hand signals, we had code words.

So, what a wonderful surprise I had today!  I just hope that next time, my suprise doesn't have to wait NEAR as long!!!

SOD. NYD. YID. 1729801

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this post! Time sure does fly!
