It has been quite some time since my last post. In fact, it was about my traveling to Orlando, Florida for the annual MOPS International Convention. What a fabulous time I had! God totally met me there and the experience I had totally exceeding my expectations! To top it off, I had nine other amazing supporters there. Amazing. No other girls would I want to have spent my weekend with than these:
More on convention when I have time to post a TON of pictures and am in the mood to blog all of the wonderful things that happened!
So, moving on, my DISCLAIMER: Since coming home from convention. Things have been drastically different for me. I am looking through clearer eyes and am really seeking out to serve and honor God in all ways in my life. Also, I just haven't "felt" like blogging, though I enjoy it immensly. I am striving to focus in other areas of my life. This is a hobby, something I enjoy, but something that needs to be way down on my list of priorities. So, with that, I will not "post" near as often as I was. I still love trying new foods and taking pictures of them, I still love to express myself in this way, I still want to blog-but there just wont be as many posts in a day or a week and so forth. Blogging is not my life. In an effort to keep my need to "let some things out" (in a blog friendly way of course-some things just have to be "let out" with trusted girlfriends who pretend to be peeping toms and girfriends who invite the peeping tom in for brownies-love them, haha.) I will try and sit down once or twice a week to keep the back up from taking too much space in my brain!
That is my disclaimer, and I am sticking to it. ~Queen of Disclaimers