Wow. What a couple of days! Yesterday, I enjoyed some Mom time .We had a blast and I ended up getting really sunburned. Totally my fault, yes, I know. Thank you R for the lavender in the aloegel tip and L for the aloe gel!! :) It feels much better!!! :) My kiddos, of course, were slathered TWICE with sunscreen and came home sunburn free. They had such a good time. Can I just say that four hours of playing in the sun at the creek makes for AWESOME naps?? :) I had to wake them up to get ready for VBS and they went straight to bed when we got home. Yay for the creek!!!!
I almost hate to admit it, but I really am enjoying the boys going to VBS. Last week it was during the early morning. It was great and I enjoyed the time I got to spend visiting with a few friends (with M in tow of course), but, this evening time is fabulous. Monday night my Daddy kept M while I went to Jalisco's with some other moms...super fun girl talk time! :) Tuesday night, I visited with R. Even though she almost burned my lips off with her hot sauce (that didn't come with a disclaimer until AFTER I put four glugs onto my meal) I had a great time and I know M did playing with EC. Love you, R! :)
Tonight, I had a super fabulous time with four wonderful ladies. I laughed so hard my sunburn hurt and was a bit fearful that my sweet friend L may smack me, but all in all, I had a fantastic, much needed, girl time. :) Now, no girl time is complete without chocolate. We had quite the yummy spread. Coffee, brownies, cookies and CHOCOLATE COVERED BLUEBERRIES. I was a bit skeptical when R asked me the night before if I wanted to try them. Boy, am I glad for that introduction!! These little gems are DIVINE. The do look a bit on the, as my friend AK would say, "Look, it's reindeer poop." side; but who cares-they are awesomely delish!! The oh-so easy recipe can be found here. Thanks for hosting, R, I had a blast!!!!
At bedtime tonight, the boys wanted to say a prayer. Sometimes, they feel led to say a prayer, sometimes I say a prayer. N's prayer was really sweet. It started with the normal, "Thank you God for this day...." and somewhere in the middle was, "and please help us to remember that VBS is learning about Jesus". :) It warmed my heart to hear that. C and I are so blessed with two very sweet, caring and loving little boys. My prayer is that they learn to love God with all of their hearts, worship Him and serve Him. I am excited to sweet what great men they will turn in to....don't want to rush it, though. :) Six years passed by WAY too fast!!!!
Anyway, so tomorrow is DAY 4 of VBS. I am pretty excited for tomorrow's activities as well. I think we might have a DC run. Wonder what treasures I can dig up with no kids in tow? :) Who knows, but I am really looking forward to R and A's company. Oh yea, and whoever else wants to go treasure hunting-COME ON!!!
Hopefully by tomorrow this sun burn will begin to feel a bit better. I can barely stand being out in the sun right now. Bra straps and shirts are almost unbearable. It has been MANY years since i've had a sunburn and I plan on it NEVER happening again! :)