Not only did I have amazing company, but we had amazing refreshments as well!!!
We had brownies, three different types of pie, sausage balls, veggie pizza, sub sandwiches, hummus, chocolate and of course chips. :) The funny thing is, we spent like 30 minutes just standing around the food eating, talking and drinking before anyone ever decided to start playing games. Ha! That is a party of women for you!
We also I did throw out a warning about the wine I had in my probably hadn't been opened in six months or more. Not thinking, (and finding it quite difficult) I start to open the bottle....
Thankfully, the cork hit the ceiling with most of its force before it pelted MM on the way back down. I am blessed she is still my friend after that frightening encounter. Haha!!
I was so thrilled to have a combination of old friends, new friends and just met friends at game night. It made for just the right combination of fun game play. We played a game D brought called, Things.
(This picture is for A. She asked if I wanted her to turn the game around so that it wouldn't be sideways I told her no, that I would just fix it on my computer...well..I didn't fix it and I don't feel like fixing it. :) So..turn your head to the side people!!!)
This game was hilarious. It is true, you never quite know what your friends are going to say!! One of the questions was, "What is something you would not want to see advertised in the classifieds?" Well, our answered varied, but I happened to capture this one:
This has to be better than "Child for sale-FREE!", right? :) I happened to guess who wrote this answer....and I was right. Bahahahaha.
We laughed so hard at the answers to some of the questions. Some questions we had answers that were so similar is was a bit scary. Great minds, Great minds.....
Here are my friends D and A. Comfy are ya, A? :)
Two of my oldest friends M and A. :)
I also had another sweet friend B that came and a new friend S that D brought along. :)
We had such a fantastic time. It was much needed! I do plan on doing this again REALLY, REALLY soon.........
Who's Game?