On rare occasions, I feel like I am totally rockin' the cape.....
But most days, I am so tired and it takes me forever to get my thoughts processed enough to know what I am doing that day.
Today, my cape was no where in sight (like most every day) and I was dragging. Not only was I running on little sleep, but I really didn't feel well. Last night, all three of my kids ran fever. Last night, all three of my kids ran fever at different times. It first started with M, then E and lastly N. Not.A.Fun.Night.For.Mommy.
I am sure most would wonder why in the world I would take the time to blog at almost midnight if I am just SO incredibly tired. Well, fact is, blogging helps me clear my head. This is my form of "letting it out" for the time being. My thoughts have been racing all day, so many things have gone wrong and I have kept my cool. Now, it is time to let it out, let it go, and move on!
Oh, let's not forget to mention I haven't been to the grocery in forever and we REALLY need some things. Fevers make it kind of hard to go to the grocery store when the only option you have is to take your kids with you. Another reason is that I STILL haven't made my menu plan for this pay period. It has taken me FOUR DAYS and I STILL haven't gotten anything accomplished really.
Menu, you will be defeated tomorrow!!!!!
A little preview of the many hats that I wear:
Nurse, Mommy
Today has been a very, very lazy day. With the exception of mealtime (and mealtime cleanup) we have really done nothing. Bummer, because I was really, really looking forward to going to church this morning. I missed last Sunday because I was lazy and the Sunday before I was teaching. This is the third Sunday in a row that I have missed and I really, really can tell. The kids were just as bummed as I was. We also had plans for Little River with AAA after church, but that was canceled as well. I did get to watch most of the live feed, so that was a highlight.
Today has been one of those days that I have been attacked by the enemy on so many fronts. He knows that I am weak and a a low point and he is taking his swings. Today, has not been my day.
I did get some laundry done this evening. Amazing, when ALL of my clothes are clean aside from just a handful...my close is packed and I have NO ROOM in my drawers! And I thought I didn't have any clothes......
Moving along....:) The kids requested chocolate chip pancakes for supper. Easy enough...or so I thought. I have been known to not make really good from scratch pancakes. It isn't that the recipe isn't good..it's the chef. This is why I only buy pre-cooked bacon. I burn bacon..every time.
These pancakes looked fantastic. They were whole wheat (flour) blueberry chocolate chip. I was pretty excited about these. Well, going along with the nothing has gone right for me today theme, I guess these pancakes decided to follow suite.
This is actually the SECOND cooking pan that I used. The first one I burned, too. My heat wasn't too high, I used enough butter...I have no idea what happened.
I got incredibly frustrated and just threw out the mix and put my pans in the sink. (Which surprisingly are now hanging out in the dishwasher-yes-I at least cleaned the kitchen right.) I announced to the kids that they would be having cheese grits instead. They were happy with that. Sweet kids (and husband), they put up with alot of flops in Mommy's cooking.
Needing to get out for a bit, after bath time we ventured to McDonald's and got snack size McFlurries. I am one that stands by the "no milk products with a fever" but they had Ibuprofen in and no fevers at the moment, so I felt after such a crappy, sickly day at least this may brighten the mood a bit...and it did. :)
They got their last round of Ibuprofen (hopefully until morning) right before bed and tummies were happy, so praise the Lord!
On days like this, I just want to shout "This has been a terrible, horrible, no good, really bad day!!!!" But really, even after everything and the fact that it took me hours to upload pictures because my computer restarted :).........I still have to be thankful. Thankful that I have a God that loves me and never gave up on me, not for one second today. Thankful that even on the bad days, He is still there. Even on the bad days, He is still my Savior. Even on the bad days, on the days where I can't even think about loving myself, He loves me. Even on the days that are great and I am wearing my cape with pride or the days that I just want to stay in bed all day and shut out the world, He is with me. It is really hard to remember that while in the moment of anger because the pancakes burned, but that is one of many things that I am working on.
Looking back on the days events and being an exhausted nurse mommy...today really, truly wasn't bad at all. In fact, no matter how bad the days get (or how good), I am never alone.
".....And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20