
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Menu Planning/ Meal Plan 7/19-8/1

Ahh, Menu Planning. Or is it more like, "AAAAHHHHH!!! MENU PLANNING!!!!!" ? In my case, it can be a bit of both.  I have figured out that having a set menu helps me save money and my sanity. We can try new meals and decided if it is a keeper or if we never eat it again. I don't have to wonder "Ugh, what is for dinner tonight?" To go even further, I even plan out breakfast, lunch and snacks.

Here is a Dinner-Only look:

  • The way I meal plan is simple. I first look at how far out I want to menu plan. Right now, I am only doing per-pay-period menu planning, but for my sanity, I think I will switch to one day of planning a month's worth of meals. So. Much. Easier.
  • Next, I get together my recipes together. For this menu, I needed 13 dinners with the 14th meal being out. So, I find 13 dinner recipes and sides.  I gather a few of our good ole standbys that I know everyone will love. Then, depending, I will add some brand new dinner recipes to the menu.
  • Now I look at C's work schedule for this week. He works at the same time every day, and the same off days, they just rotate so I like to plan accordingly. I then look at my calendar to see if I have any meetings, play dates, parties, appointments, etc that would interfere with dinner prep or dinner itself. After that is done, I can start placing what meals go on which days. I try and choose meals that take the most time prepping/cooking for nights that C is off. Crockpot meals are easy for days that I may not be home at dinner time and he can just eat and take a plate with him.
  • I do a ton on my computer, but menu planning (for right now) just isn't one of them. I like to have a hard copy in front of me. I can't always be on my computer, but I can leave a piece of paper on the counter to come back to if I have a spare moment.
  • There are a ton of free blank menu planners on the internet. Organized Home has a nice printable. For more of a calendar format, Donna has a nice selection of different weekly and monthly printable.
  • Lastly, I fill in what dinner goes on what night. :)

Here is a copy of the rough draft I made of this period's menu. As you can see it isn't perfect, and I don't plan on making a nice, neat one either. One important thing: Place your menu plan on your refrigerator or in a spot that is easily accessible and easily seen.

(Yes, I realize my photography skills aren't the best and I cut off and only have six days instead of seven!)

Here is my menu plan for July 19th-August 1st:

Monday 19th: B)grits/Fruit   L)mac and cheese   D)out

Tuesday 20th: B)cereal/fruit  L)Daddy's Choice   D)Potato Soup/Taquitos (homemade)

Wednesday 21st: B) Cheese Toast/Fruit  L)Leftover Potato Soup and Homemade corn dogs  D) Homemade Graham Crackers w/ Homemade peanut butter, bananas and pretzels

Thursday 22nd: B)Oatmeal/Fruit  L) Homemade PB sandwiches/pretzels  D) Crockpot: Bacon Wrapped Garlic Chicken with mashed potatoes, fried squash and fried okra (I bought fresh squash and okra at the farmer's market in town the other day. I LOVE fried squash but rarely fry anything-tonight-we shall FRY! lol)

Friday 23rd:  B) Breakfast Cookies/Fruit  L) Rice and Beans  D) Homemade Pizza

Saturday 24th:  B) Grits/Fruit  L) Homemade PB sandwich/pretzels/cheese stick  D) Spaghetti (homemade sauce) with green beans and bread

Sunday 25th:  B) Cheese toast/Fruit  L) Left over Spaghetti and Carrots  D) Spicy Black-eyed Pea soup and cornbread

Monday 26th: B) Oatmeal/Fruit  L) Mac and Cheese  D) Crockpot Sloppy Joe's with Oven Fries and English Peas

Tuesday 27th: B) Breakfast Cookie/Fruit  L) PB Sandwich/ pretzels/cheese stick  D) TBA  (*If I have a sitter, the kids will eat supper there and I will pack C sandwiches for his take-to-work meal*)

Wednesday 28th: B) Grits/Fruit  L) Mayo Biscuits and Rice  D) Corn Chowder and Rolls

Thursday 29th: B) Homemade Blueberry Muffins/Fruit  L) Homemade Corn dogs (from freezer) and green beans  D)Chicken and Rice with Carrots

Friday 30th: B) Cereal/Fruit  L)Taquitos (from freezer)  D) Crockpot Turkey Steaks with Cheesy garlic mashed potatoes and corn

Saturday 31st:  B) Eggs and Toast/Fruit  L) Mac and Cheese   D) Sante Fe Soup with bread

Sunday 1st: B)Oatmeal/Fruit  L) Left over Soup  D) Mushroom Chicken with rice and green beans

I will be posting recipes for the homemade peanut butter, taquitos and corn dogs in a later post!

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