I have used three different types of soap:
1. Fels Naptha-by far the best (it is an actual laundry bar) but hard to find. Buy it here for about $1.50 a bar plus shipping.
2. Ivory-not my favorite3. Dial (orange bar) has done pretty well for me. I am on my third batch using it.
Let's get started and then I will give a rough calculation on how much it actually has costed me.
1 five gallon bucket with lid (a clean one of course)
1 bar soap of your choice
Here is the recipe:
4 Cups - hot tap water
1 Cup - Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax
Step one: Grate your bar of soap.
Step two: Add about 1/2c of water and melt your soap down
Step four: Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)
Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.
Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)
Just a fun idea: You can also add essential oil to your detergent. (I sometimes, SOMETIMES, do miss the smell of Gain). I really like lavender oil and have it most often. 10-15 drops of your favorite oil per 2 gallons.
Okay. So, we all know (well, those that know me well) that I am NOT a math person. I have been making detergent since roughly November of 2009. So eight months worth of detergent for a family of 5. I have only bought ingredients (borax and soda) TWICE. All, yes ALL,of the bar soap used was given to me. We bought two five gallon buckets (to make two batches at a time).
Two five gallon buckets $16
Borax x 2 7$
Baking Soda x 2 6$ (Remember: I am a "former" kitchen chemist and I had a recipe to change this over to sodium carbonate because I COULD NOT find washing soda.)
Approximate total $ 29.00 for EIGHT MONTHS worth of laundry detergent :) I still think that is stinkin' awesome!!! Usually, I would spend about 13$ a month on laundry detergent. Over eight months that is $104.00!! That is an (approximate) savings of $75.00!!!!! :) Now, that alone gets you thinking of making your own detergent-right? :)
Whether you prefer liquid or powder detergent, there are many recipes to suit your fancy. You can tweak mine to your needs or you can google-there is a ton of info out there! It does take some getting used to. Sometimes mine would be a bit thicker, other times it is more liquid. But at any consistency, it has always worked really well for us!!! :)
Next stop: Homemade Dishwashing Detergent :)
Kristina!! I think this is "stinkin' awesome" :) I probably wouldn't do it now, since I'm working, but I think it's a great idea! Ever consider selling it?