
Friday, July 2, 2010

Favorite Things: Kid's Books

Next week ends the summer reading program at our local library. Last year was the boys' first time attending and they loved it. This year has been no exception.  They really enjoy all the library has to offer. I really should go more often with them-without M.  We have been checking out some really good books lately and I fell compelled to share two that we read tonight (and I am sure will end up reading again and again.)

The Cat in the Hat's:On Beyond Bugs! All About Insects
by Trisha Rabe

If your kids love bugs as much as mine, this is a wonderful read.  They learned about the similarity between skunks and ladybugs, the spittlebug, bee's, moths and so much more. This book is actually educational and super fun for the kids. It may just be on my list of  "books to buy" !!!!

       Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC   
by: June Sobel
Oh how entertaining is this book!  My boys really enjoyed the pirate "talk" and search for letters in this fun tale. The Captain sends his crew out to find all the letters of the alphabet or they will be forced to walk the plank!   Fun illustrations and catchy pirate rhymes keep any little shipmate's attention. :) This is possibly another "Book to Buy" for me!!                                                               

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