
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Homemade Pickles

In the past month or so, I have really been trying to make-from-scratch most everything I can. In the midst of all of this homemaking in the kitchen, I discovered  that I really enjoy canning! I've only canned once before and that was some fabulous strawberry-blueberry preserves. I plan on making that in the very near future. I don't know why I haven't discovered this joy of canning before, but better late than never I suppose!
Recently, I made Bread and Butter Pickles. These were incredibly easy and so very tasty!  The only thing I will do differently next time is to use bigger canning jars! :)
Thanks to my cucumber supplier, NJPR, for these fabulous cukes! :)

 Cutting the onions, which leads to:

This horribly frightening picture of the after effects of cutting onions while not taking LW's advice and swiping my kids' swim goggles for use while cutting. Teary eyes, dark circles and no makeup-OH MY!!! Moving on.....

I have also found that I really enjoy taking pictures of food. I enjoy the food prep, the cooking and the "plating". :)

Lovely salt covered cucumbers and onions!

Getting ready for the liquid goodness...:)

Boil for three minutes....

Stuffing my cucumber/onion mixture into the jars.....

Sweet cucumbers waiting to take their boiling dip (aka-processed).


The final product. I am so proud of these and they are so dang yummy.


  1. Are your kids writing "love letters" to my daughter? ;)

    Get thee some swim goggles!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. Put your onions in the fridge and it keeps that chemical in them that makes you cry! Works! I've been doing it for years and I always wondered why my mom did it, I just did it b/c she did. And then I was watching Food Network and I saw them say it on there too! :)
