
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29

Outside my window: Not really sure what. I know my nextdoor neighbors pulled in with some boom boom going on-quite annoying. My nightinggale that normally is singing away was probably frightened by the loud booming-ha.
I am thinking: I am exhausted and have a headache.
I am wearing: Old tshirt and shorts-what's new? :)
I am remembering: That I need to make a phonecall in the morning.
I am going:  To our soccer game tomorrow and hopefully no where until then! Sometimes, I get really tired of going.  Chris and the boys are supposed to "camp" in the backyard. Yeah, we shall see how long that lasts.
I am currently reading: Same as the post yesterday. :)
I am hoping:  For world peace. Seriously.
On my mind:  Is this not the same as "I am thinking.."?? 
Pondering these words:
Praying:  For different people, but personally, for compassion and clairity.
In the kitchen:  A rare thing around my house: dishes in the sink.  That is one of my  niches I guess..I cannot stand to wake up to a dirty sink.  But, time slipped away from me before taking the kids to AWANA tonight and I just didn't have time to clean out the dishwasher to put my few dirty bowls in. I also have chili in the crockpot, lefftover from tonight in hopes my beans will soften. I soaked these suckers for over an hour at least...and they were still hard. Dern, beans!
Around the house: I have to say that M's room is rather organized and clean. The kids room-oh my.  Main area's arent too bad. We LIVE here ya know. :)
One of my favorite things: The power of a good worship/praise song. I got on the treadmill tonight while the kids were at AWANA.  I turned on my mp3 thing (that Aime so generously gave to me after refusing to allow me to carry my CD PLAYER to the gym any longer) and really worshiped and praised God. I turned into a normally dreadful (because of the pain in my knee and ankle) time into an awesome 25 minutes with my Lord.  So, singing with my eyes closed and lifting my hands was a bit difficult, but did happen a few times. But for safety (if you know me, you know I probably need to keep my eyes OPEN) I had to worship with my eyes open even though i really wanted to close them. :) :)
From my camera:

Just a piece of clipart I think I used for MOPPETS one time. So, I was just going through my library.  What an awesome price my Savior paid for ME.  For ME (and you).  My I praise Him all my days. Thank you, for loving me my Savior.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 28th

Today is Tuesday, September 28th:

Outside my window: My two little monkeys (E and N) are climbing in their favorite tree on this BEAUTIFUL day.
I am thinking: about an appointment I have coming up.
I am wearing: Nasty brown capris and a one of my favorite (with a hole in it) tshirts that reads " Occupation: Mother  When is my 15 minute break?" :)
I am remembering: things that I have forgotten to do.
I am going: To our Boy Scout pack meeting tonight.
I am thankful for: My friends.
I am currently reading:  bible, "The Yada Yada Prayer Group" and "You are what you eat"
I am hoping: for world peace. Seriously.
On my mind: My friends A and D.
Pondering these words: past does not define who I am today.....
Praying : for several friends
In the kitchen:  It is clean.  We eat supper rather early (around 4pm) because of C's schedule. We had homemade pizza and carrot sticks tonight.
Around the house:  Nothing got accomplished today but I am enjoying all of the sunlight pouring through the windows. :)
One of my favorite things:  AUTUMN!!!
From my camera:

I am one blessed gal! Thank you and love you, RHM! Miss you and Love you ADK, So proud of you and love you AEW!   These girls are fantastic. :)  I love them.  I need convention again! Shall we have a slumber party girls? (I promise, I won't make you sleep on the floor, Aime...will the couch suffice? Haha.)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 27th:

Outside my window:  There is a GLORIOUSLY beautiful day that God has given me the chance to see, yet again.  How amazing that our God created this perfect sync of colors, textures, songs and sights. Wow. I am looking forward to my walk (which WILL HAPPEN) this afternoon.
I am thinking: About Makennah's nap, doing a bit of school with the boys, and the need for vacuuming.
I am wearing: Ha. Red shorts and a red short....GO RED. :)
I am remembering: My grandparents. Seriously, a shout out to all of you young punks that think there is no time in the world for anyone else but yourself. CHERISH THOSE GRANDPARENTS. If you have them, they are truly a blessing.  Spend time talking with them about their childhood and experiences, spend time with the period.  I am thankful for the time that I did have with my grandparents, but oh what I wouldn't do to have them see my children and the mother I have become. :) I am pretty sure they would be proud-and that makes me glad.
I am going: To the Sort and Shop tonight...I am pretty stinkin' excited!!! :)
I am currently reading: Bible, "The Yada Yada Prayer Group"
I am hoping: for World Peace. Seriously.
On my mind: What ISN'T on my mind.
Pondering these words: "The Father sent His Son to be the Savior of the world." 1John 4:14 
"We love because He first loved us." 1John 4:19    All I can ponder is: how amazing is HIS love for us. Wow.
Praying about: A vast array of things.
In the kitchen: Yardsale stuff litters my counter space, supper is dethawing (a casserole) and the sink is clean.
Around the house: Organization is actually coming along...its like Autumn cleaning...instead of spring. :)
One of my favorite things: How Chris and I can just exchange glances sometimes and know exactly what each other is thinking..and most of the time...break out into laughter. :)
From my camera: (scanner this time)

I suppose this is around 1996-97 (judging that I was in my jeans and tshirt ONLY stage-and the bangs). My MawMaw, MeMaw and (great) Uncle Pete have gone to  be with Jesus, but I am so incredibly happy to have had them in my life. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday, September 26th

I don't follow many blogs.  Mostly, the ones that I do follow, I will just find something interesting on  blogs that they follow and read those, etc, etc. :)
I am not quite sure what the writer of: The Simple Woman's Daybook is all about, but it did inspire a blog.  So, with that-thanks Simple Woman!

Today is Sunday, September 26th 2010:

Outside my window:  I see my big, red van in need of a washing. Also, the weather is quite dreary which isn't good for a girl that wants to go for a walk. But, I guess the much needed rain never melted anyone either, so what's my excuse?
I am thinking: That I need to go change Makennah's smell is in the trash. :) Moving along....I am thinking of how blessed I am to have the friends I have. I had lunch with one of my closest and dearest today..oh how I love her! I am thinking...of how incredibly forgiving and loving God is. amazing.
I am wearing: Ha. A blue tshirt and exercise capri' shoes-of course.
I am remembering: That I need to clean out my closet for the yardsale next weekend. Today really is my last chance.
I am going: to really enjoy myself at tommorrow's Sort and Shop! :)
I am currently reading: I am not reading anything right now. Well, I am reading the bible and using my Life Application Study Bible...but I  will start (probably today) reading "The Yada Yada Prayer Group".
I am hoping: for word peace. Seriously.
On my mind: What isn't on my mind? Um, I need to make a schedule for school this week, menu plan for the next payday, and get myself together for what this week's schedule (activities ) are going to be.
Noticing that: My E is really, really growing up.
Pondering these words:  Really, just all of the book of James.  My Life Application Study Bible describes the PURPOSE of the book of James as: To expose hypocritical practices and to teach right Christian behavior. 
Praying about: A vast array of things.
Around the house: Yard sale stuff is everywhere. Makennah's room is so nice and tidy, though. :)
In the kitchen: Tonight for supper, we are having hotdogs. Fun times. :) Haha!
One of my favorite things: My kids laughter and worship on Sunday mornings.

From my camera:
Recently, I celebrated my birthday. I am seriously overwhelmed with all of the wishes, calls, cards, gifts and surprises. :) I am so blessed to have incredible family and friends!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Favorite Music: One Of These Days

This is an older song that I have loved for quite some time. :) It just confirmed that One of these days...I will see my Savior. And, THAT, will be one amazing, awesomely fabulous day!!!!!! 

FFH: "One of these Days" (live)

Music Favorites: Beautiful, Beautiful

This song has been a favorite of mine for some time. A part in the lyrics "sunlight burning at midnight" really is the light in my dark.  He has brought me through so many deep, dark, horrible times. ( And continues to do so...) He is truly the shining light in my life. Even in the dark days, I know that my Jesus is the only light I need to help me through.

Francesca Battistelli (singing live) "Beautiful Beautiful"

Music Favorites: More Like Falling in Love

This is another one of my favorite songs. How amazingly accurate of how I feel.  It is totally about losing my heart to Jesus.  It's not about "religion". .... It is finding that love in Jesus that brings about real change. 

Below is the video of Jason Gray singing live his song "More Like Falling in Love".  I really recommend listening to this song...every word...every single word.

Music Favorites: Walk on Water

I love this song.  It is called "Walk on Water" by Britt Nicole.  This song really describes some of my days.  And really, what I am waiting for? I have nothing to lose! HE WILL NOT LET ME GO.

Here are the lyrics and the video is at the bottom of this post:

You look around and staring back at you

Another wave of doubt
Will it pull you under, you wonder, What if I’m overtaken, What if I never make it, What if no one’s there, will You hear my prayer

When you take that first step into the unknown,You know that He won't let you go....

So what are you waiting for, what do you have to lose
Your insecurities, they try to hold to you
But you know you’re made for more so don’t be afraid to move
Your faith is all it takes and you can walk on the water too

So get out and let your fear fall to the ground
No time to waste, don’t wait
And don’t you turn around and miss out
Everything you were made for
I know you’re not sure
So you play it safe, you try to run away

If you take that first step into the unknown, He won't let you go....

Step out, even when it’s storming
Step out, even when you’re broken
Step out, even when your heart is telling you, telling you to give up
Step out, when your hope is stolen
Step out, you can’t see where you’re going

You don’t have to be afraid
So what are you waiting, what are you waiting for............

Britt Nicole-Top Christian Lyrics

Friday, September 17, 2010

MOPS International Convention-in pictures. :)

August 5-8 2010

Taking pictures while waiting on general session to start and Christie and I re=enacting the famous "Chris-TIE" moment from she and Michelle's childhood. BAHAHA. :)

Our hotel was amazingly beautiful!

Dinner's out and fun times with amazing women......

Love her and miss her alot!!! :)

Rainforest Cafe...awesome place! (My food was incredible as well!!!)

One of my sweetest, dearest friends!!!

This picture brings incredible joy to my soul.  I laugh so hard! This is exactly how our room (we all roomed together) dynamic was! Love them!!!!!!

Michelle: "Kristina, give the frog a high five."  Me: "Okay, and i'll give his foot a tickle as well." Ha!

Downtown Disney with some Pirates and a Lego Toy Story.

The plant was attacking me...seriously. :)   My secret sister Michelle and I. Love her!

We met Mandisa......

YYep, we totally met Mandisa (and her band).  Ashley got her journal signed and we got pictures with her. :) So cool!!!  One of her band members asked what MOPS Janalyn (see pics above) took the opportunity to tell them all about this wonderful ministry!!!! Fun times!


This trip was incredibly life changing for me. God totally used the amazing encouragement and support of the women I was with in leading me to feel comfortable enough (and OBEDIENT) to LET GO. Praise Him, for He is good!!! 
I cannot wait for next years convention! I am already planning!!! :)