
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Purpose?

Who doesn't go through life searching for what their purpose is?  I don't know many peole that can tell me that they have never thought about what purpose they have here on earth.
I, for one, ponder this question every day.  What is my purpose?  My usual answer is, "Whatever God wants to use me for." Generic, I know, but true.  Another answer I often give is "It's not about me...". 
Rewind a month or so. MOPS did a "Sort and Shop" night at We Care.  I LOVE buying books. If I could design an office/den area of my dream home, it would be floor to ceiling book shelves stuffed with the unusually delightful smell of bound pages! Moving along, I bought "The Purpose Driven Life" for probably less than 99 cents that night. It has been sitting on my bookshelf staring at me since that night.  While in a bookstore on vacation in September, I had a little lady go into great detail how "The Purpose Driven Life" really helped her. Hmm...:)
Skip to now. I have cracked open TPDL and have started on Day 1. To be quite honest, one of the reasons I never started is because I am horrible about finishing things I start. I get halfway done with something and just say (pardon) "SCREW IT".  My prayer is that I can start and finish this. I've never finished any "study", "guide" or the like-ever. I've dropped out of two Beth Moore bible studies (GASP-I know), and I am just SCREAMING inside "WHAT AM I DOING HERE? HELP ME GOD, HELP ME."
Over the summer I had a very clear, defining, healing moment in my life and Praise God for that! I know exactly how awesomely GREEN AND CLEAN the grass is on the other side! Right now, I am working through some very, very tough spots in my past. I have some things that just bring me to my knees at the the thought of thinking about it. God is using some amazing people to encourage me, to listen to me, and help me along the way.  I am floored at how God brings people into and out of our lives to help us through our journey. I know it won't be easy (and I know the enemy is on attack) but I have no doubt that it WILL.BE.WORTH.IT.  Ultimately, to have that space in my soul clear for God to mold and shape into what He has planned out for me is why I am on this journey to begin with.

" Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." Colossians 1:16b (The Message)

"For by Him all things were breated: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; ALL THINGS WERE CREATED BY HIM AND FOR HIM." Colossians 1:16 (NIV)

".......everything was created through Him and for Him." Colossians 1:16 (NLT)

I don't plan on blogging through every step of my journey-I don't really have time for that. I will update when I feel like it.
My hope is here: " We can turn to what God has revealed about life in his Word.  The easiest way to discover the purpose of an invention is to ask the creator of it.  The same is true for discovering your life's purpose: Ask God." -Rick Warren, TPDL

Let the journey toward the light begin....

Friday, October 15, 2010

Menu Plan for 10.16-10.31

I know I haven't been very good about keeping up with my blog. I sat down, just now, to scratch out my menu for the next two weeks on paper (to stick on the fridge). So, I decided I would share:

Sat 10/16: Potato Chowder and Broccoli/Grape Salad  (To send with C to work: Bananna Cream Cheesecake, Broccoli/Grape Salad and Mashed Potatoes)
Sun 10/17: Cheesy Chicken Flats with apple slices
Mon 10/18: Beef and Wild Rice Bake with veggies
Tue 10/19: EZ Slowbake Burritos with tortilla chips (crockpot meal)
Wed 10/20: Picante Peach Pork w/ rice and steamed veggies
Thur 10/21: Salsbury Steaks w/ mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls
Fri 10/22: Bagel Pizza's
Sat 10/23: William's Station Day (supper out)
Sun 10/24: Hot Dogs (got a bogo deal at publix on the hebrew national all beef {no fillers, artificial stuff, etc}, sweet potato fries and peas
Mon 10/25: Mediterranean chicken w/ rice and veggie
Tue 10/26: Spaghetti with green beans
Wed 10/27: hodge Podge Soup w/ cornbread
Thur 10/28: BFS (Breakfast for Supper)
Fri 10/29: Russian chicken w/ rice and steamed broccoli (crockpot meal)
Sat 10/30: BUSY DAY! BoyScouts Fun Day (lunch provided) Chicken Sandwhich, mac and cheese, sweet peas (supper)
Sun 10/31: Hotdogs, sweet potato fries, corn

One of my OCD habits (and im serious) is that I make lists, lots and lots of lists. I sometimes have to write them over because I scratched out on the first one-but anyhoo, my MENU did previously contain breakfast and lunch.  I've decided to just "go with it" on both of these. Some days, the boys will wake up when Chris comes in from work (6:30 A.M.) and he will feed them breakfast and let me snooze for another 30 minutes until M wakes up.  Some mornings, I just do not feel like making oatmeal or grits. Cereal goes through my house like coffee through my body-FAST. So, that is why I have to shimmy my breakfasts but it usually goes something like these and I shake it up: oatmeal, cheese grits, jelly toast, cereal (all with fruit on the side and vitamins).  Lunch could be leftovers, a pb sandwhich, popcorn with cheesesticks and yogurt, really anything! So, i've squelched my intense desire to over-manage mealtimes and I just focus on suppers.  Having a 2 week menu really makes a difference on nights Chris works or we have activities.  I, of course, place certain meals on certain days according to prep-time. :) :)

Have a great weekend!  Blessings!!!!!